Goal Calculator
Get the most from Google Ads

Get the most from Google Ads

Rank higher in Google Maps

Rank higher in Google Maps

Win more leads with SEO

Win more leads with SEO

Too many law firm owners…

  • Talk too often with too many low-quality leads
  • Pay too many dollars that generate too few clients
  • Have no idea what their marketing company is actually doing (or why)
  • Don’t know what works, what doesn’t, and what to change to get better leads
  • Are stressed with the feast & famine cycle of being busy, chasing new clients
  • Are locked into crappy contracts yielding shitty results

Being overwhelmed & confused with your digital marketing—sucks.

Ready to feel peace & calm knowing where your next client is coming from?

Convert fear into confidence by knowing how your marketing is performing

For now and in the future.


And not just more—but better leads. So you’ll have more phone calls, chats & consultations with more people qualified to hire you.


Better leads + fewer people kicking the tires = more cases for your business. Such a beautiful thing when Google Ads, Google My Business & SEO are all working together. You’ll see.


Predictably know how many leads you’ll win, to know how much more you’ll earn. Know where your best leads come from, to give clients more of what they want & need.


Ready to work with more of the clients you want vs. the ones you don’t?

Master your digital marketing

Versus it mastering you. Whatcha waiting for? We make it easy.



Quick phone call ∙ Identify your pains ∙ Determine goals & budget ∙ Set up a free audit



Meet on Zoom ∙ Show what we learned ∙ Identify steps to improve your digital marketing



Launch your campaign ∙ Monitor & measure results ∙ Review progress regularly ∙ Prioritize next steps



A clear plan + Better marketing + Stay informed = Quality leads + More free time + More business for your law firm


Ready to sleep better at nights with more cases showing up in your inbox?

Have an expert at your side

You deserve an agency that delivers.

  • No contracts gimmicks or shitty results
  • 15+ years in the digital marketing business
  • A dedicated team focused on getting you results

No contracts, month-to-month


Want to replace marketing that sucks with marketing that rocks?

How well is your current digital marketing performing?

Do you even know? You should.

For instance… Know if you’re getting your money’s worth for Google Ads. Know how you’re being recognized (or not) in Google Maps. Know if SEO is working or broken—and why. And know of any conversion killers on your website. Stop operating based on hunch—start operating based on data.

Click below. We’ll do an audit & send it over. Use our tips & guidance to improve your marketing.

Us vs. them

Got big ideas for your firm but no one around to make them real? That’s why we created ZillaMetrics. Because too many digital marketing agencies fall short. But not us.

With us…

  • Simple month-to-month, no contract
  • Know how your marketing is performing
  • Have complete ownership & access to your website—At. All. Times.
  • Same goes for your Google Ads & other marketing accounts
  • Know who you’re working with—by name, forever
  • Got questions? Get answers—fast, accurate & complete

With them…

  • Stuck in 6-12 month contracts yielding poor results
  • Don’t own your website & must pay ransom to move it
  • Locked out of your own Google Ads account
  • Got sold by someone you never hear from again
  • Get passed on to others that don’t know squat
  • Got questions but get no answers back

Why risk your law firm’s marketing any longer?

“I’m tired of living out the movie Groundhog Day. Tired of doing the same things & getting the same results. Tired of being burned by agencies that fail on their promises. I want an expert who’s done this 100s of times. For legal businesses like mine. Where results are predictable. I’m ready to feel like a successful lawyer & a successful business person.”